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University Apartments
Logo: Western University Canada
Community Initiatives
Recycling Program

Sort recyclables into 2 streams:


For other waste, please see FOG waste information below.

FOG Diversion Program

Housing at Western is pleased to announce our participation in a pilot project to reduce the level of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) that end up in sanitary sewers.

To participate, simply

  1. Get a YourTurn cup from the rental office
  2. Pour your FOG waste into the cup
  3. Keep cup in your fridge until it's full
  4. Throw out full cup with your garbage

Did you know? Gravies, salad dressing, dairy products, soups, butter and margarine are all common forms of household FOG. For more information, please visit

Apartment Layouts & Photos
Link: Interior Photos
Link: Layouts
Platt's Lane Estates
Platt's Lane Estates offers conveniently located, affordable accommodations to Western's upper-year, graduate, and students with families.
Check out our Platt's Lane Estates website